All the tips and advice on color schemes that I, as an interior designer, usually give to my clients and followers, I have finally, after ten years, distilled into my own color collection with Swan-labeled paint.
For almost a whole year, I have been working on mixing paint and experimenting to develop these colors that meet my high standards as an interior designer. I have simply found the colors that look just as beautiful in northern light as in southern light, in daylight as in twilight, and that work all year round. All the colors are well-balanced and carefully selected to create a beautiful foundation for decorating your entire home.
These are not trend colors that you will get tired of when the fashion changes. Instead, they are colors that capture the natural daylight we have in Sweden, even during the dark winter months. They highlight the best features of the room and create a pleasant atmosphere, every day, all year round. Yes, even for a lifetime if you wish.